Spanish Nerd

Nicknames for men in spanish blog post cover graphic with a handsome man net to a title that says 36+ nicknames for men in spanish

101+ Unique Nicknames for Men in Spanish (Funny, Cute & Romantic)

Finding the perfect nickname for a guy in Spanish can be tricky. Whether you’re looking for a cute Spanish nickname for your boyfriend, a funny nickname for a friend, or a romantic nickname for your husband, you’re in the right place.

Spanish speakers are known for their affectionate and playful nicknames. You might have heard some of the most common sweet names like Mi Amor (My Love). If you’re like me though, it doesn’t make sense to just stop there. There are SO many more. Our list of nicknames here are based on a wide range of personality types, physical traits, and relationship labels to help find the right one that best suits your special guy.

In this guide, we’ll go deeper than typical Spanish names for guys. I want to show you the best nicknames for men in Spanish that include romantic, funny, and even traditional Hispanic nicknames. Plus, you’ll get a nickname chart, translations, and answers to common questions about Spanish nicknames.

🔹 Ready to find the perfect Spanish nickname? Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

Cute nicknames for men in spanish that are unique, funny, and traditional

Cute Spanish Nicknames for Guys

Some Spanish nicknames just sound extra sweet and are perfect for boyfriends, husbands, or even close friends. These names show affection and make conversations more playful.

OsitoLittle bear 🐻
ChiquitoLittle one
CielitoLittle sky 🌤️
GorditoChubby cutie (endearing!)
PapiDaddy (romantic & playful)
PeluchitoLittle teddy bear 🧸

📝 Example Sentence:
“Mi novio es mi Osito porque siempre me da abrazos cálidos.” (My boyfriend is my little bear because he always gives me warm hugs.)

➡️ Looking for more romantic Spanish nicknames? Keep reading!

Romantic & Sweet Nicknames for Your Boyfriend in Spanish

When it comes to love, Spanish speakers know how to turn up the romance with sweet and affectionate nicknames. If you’re looking for a special name to call your boyfriend, you’ve got tons of great options!

These nicknames for your boyfriend aren’t just for fun—they help express love, closeness, and appreciation in a way that feels personal and unique. Whether your boyfriend is strong and protective, sweet and cuddly, or your ultimate prince, you’ll find a nickname that fits him perfectly.

Mi AmorMy love ❤️
CorazónHeart 💕
Mi ReyMy king 👑
BombónSweet candy 🍬
CuchurrumínSuper cuddly one
PapacitoHandsome daddy
Mi TesoroMy treasure 💎
OsitoLittle bear 🐻
Mi CieloMy sky (my everything) ☁️
PríncipePrince 🤴
ChiquitoLittle one
CaramelitoLittle caramel (sweetheart) 🍯
MuñecoDoll (used for handsome guys)
SolcitoLittle sun ☀️ (for someone who brightens your day)
Mi VidaMy life 💖
QueridoDarling ❤️
Mi ÁngelMy angel 😇
Mi ChicoMy boy 💙

📝 Example Sentence:
“Eres mi Bombón porque siempre endulzas mi vida.” (You’re my sweet candy because you always make my life sweeter.)

💡 Want a nickname for your husband instead? Keep scrolling!

spanish nicknames for husband that are clever, unique, and funny with a picture of a spanish husband and wife dancing next to spanish nicknames for men

Spanish Nicknames for Husband

A nickname for your husband should show love, appreciation, and a little fun

Looking for Spanish nicknames for your husband? We’ve got you covered. Try these:

Nickname Meaning
Esposo Hermoso Handsome husband
Mi Cielo My sky (my everything) ☁️
Mi Vida My life 💖
Guapísimo Super handsome 😍
Viejo Old man (used playfully!)
Mi Amor My love ❤️
Mi Rey My king 👑
Mi Sol My sun ☀️ (because he brightens your life)
Mi Tesoro My treasure 💎
Churro Hottie (literally means “fried dough,” but in Latin America, it’s used for an attractive guy)
Papacito Handsome daddy (flirty) 😘
Osito Little bear 🐻 (for a cuddly husband)
Corazón Heart ❤️ (a term of deep affection)
Dulzura Sweetness 🍭
Bombón Sweet candy 🍬 (used for an attractive man)
Mi Ángel My angel 😇
Bebé Baby (romantic & affectionate)
Mi Príncipe My prince 🤴
Macho Lindo Handsome manly man 💪
Mi Consentido My spoiled one (because he’s your favorite!)
Mi Rayo de Sol My ray of sunshine 🌞
Mi Caballero My gentleman 🤵

📝 Example Sentence:
“Mi esposo es mi Cielo porque ilumina mi mundo.” (My husband is my sky because he brightens my world.)

These nicknames for husbands range from romantic to playful and can vary depending on how affectionate or teasing you want to be.

Want to mix things up? Try calling your husband Viejo (old man) or Papito (daddy) and see what kind of reaction you get. 😆

📌 Prefer funny nicknames? Check out the next section!

Funny & Unique Spanish Nicknames for Men

If you want a nickname that’s a little less serious, give these classic Spanish nicknames a shot:

FlacoSkinny guy
GordoFat guy (used affectionately!)
LocoCrazy one 🤪
BigoteMustache guy
NarizónBig nose
PelónBaldy 🦲
CachetónBig cheeks 😆
OrejónBig ears 👂
PanzónBig-bellied dude 🍔
TragónBig eater 🍕
ViejónOld man (used playfully)
HuevónLazy guy (common in Latin America, playful but can be rude)
CabezónBig-headed (literally and figuratively) 🤯
PelosHairy guy (or ironically for a bald guy 😂)
TochoChunky / bulky guy
ChatoFlat-nosed guy
BizcoCross-eyed dude 👀
ZancudoLong-legged, like a mosquito 🦵
TrompasBig lips 💋
ChuecoCrooked (like someone who walks funny)
Cuatro OjosFour eyes (for someone with glasses 🤓)
BodoqueChubby little guy (used affectionately)
CochinoPiggy 🐷 (for someone messy)
MoscoMosquito (for someone annoying or super thin)

📝 Example Sentence:
“Siempre llamo a mi amigo ‘Loco’ porque tiene ideas muy raras.” (I always call my friend “Crazy” because he has weird ideas.)

➡️ Want Hispanic-specific nicknames? Keep reading!

hispanish nicknames for guys in spanish with a hispanic man peeking over a list of hispanic mens nicknames

Hispanic Nicknames for Guys

Spanish-speaking countries have a ton of fun and unique nicknames for guys, and they can change depending on where you are. A nickname that’s totally normal in Mexico might not make sense in Spain, and something common in Argentina might sound funny in Colombia. These names usually come from physical traits, personality, or just cultural traditions that people have used for years.

They help show friendship, closeness, or even a bit of playful teasing. If you have a light-skinned friend in Mexico, people might call him Güero. In Spain, a super close friend might be called Compadre. No matter where you go, Spanish speakers love using these nicknames.

Check out this list of popular Hispanic nicknames for guys from different countries. Some are sweet, some are funny, and all of them are a great way to sound more natural when speaking Spanish.

NicknameMeaning & Origin
GüeroBlond guy (Mexico)
PaisaCountryman (Colombia)
CompadreBuddy, close friend (Mexico & Spain)
PanchoCool, laid-back guy (Argentina)
GüeyDude, bro, or idiot (Mexico – casual slang)
FlacoSkinny guy (Common across Latin America)
ChaparroShort guy (Mexico)
ViejoOld man (Used playfully for friends & husbands)
CarnalBro, close friend (Mexico)
CheDude, buddy (Argentina & Uruguay)
MonoBlond or fair-skinned guy (Colombia, Ecuador)
PanaFriend, bro (Venezuela, Puerto Rico)
ÑeroBro, dude (Colombia, informal)
MijoMy son, buddy (Mexico, affectionate)


Nicknames for Tall Guys in Spanish

Got a tall friend? Try these nicknames for tall guys in Spanish:

GiganteGiant 🏀
LargoTall one
El AltoThe tall one
PatónBig-footed guy (Common in Argentina)
ZancudoLong-legged like a mosquito (Latin America)
PaloStick, pole (Used for tall and skinny guys)
TorreTower 🏗️ (For very tall guys)
CañónCannon (Used for strong, tall guys)
FideoNoodle 🍜 (Used for someone tall and skinny)
Patas LargasLong legs (Self-explanatory)
AltoteBig tall guy (Mexico)

➡️ Need pet names instead? We’ve got you covered!

Nicknames for Male Spanish-Speaking Pets

Spanish nicknames aren’t just for people—dogs get them too! Try:

  • Firulais (Common dog name in Mexico)
  • Peludo (Furry one)
  • Negro (Black dog)

📌 Need a full list of Spanish dog names? Check out our Male Spanish Names for Dogs Guide.

FAQ: Everything You Need to Know About Spanish Nicknames

❓ What is the most popular Spanish nickname for guys?

  • Flaco, Chiquito, and Osito are super common!

❓ What are some flirty Spanish nicknames?

  • Papi, Bombón, and Cuchurrumín are fun and flirty.

❓ Do Spanish nicknames vary by country?

  • Yes! Güero is used in Mexico, while Paisa is common in Colombia.


Irregular Verb Tables and Conjugation Help


Irregular Verb Tables and Conjugation Help

If you love Spanish, check out our other Spanish language guides from Spanish Nerd:

Final Thoughts

Now that you have over 100 Spanish nicknames for men, why not start using them in your daily conversations!? Whether you want something romantic, funny, or traditional, there’s a perfect nickname out there for you and your man.

💬 Which Spanish nickname is your favorite? Drop a comment below!

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