50+ Spanish Words That Start with E
Are you looking for Spanish words that start with E? You’re in the right place! Spanish is a beautiful and rich language with thousands of words beginning with “E.” Whether you’re learning Spanish, expanding your vocabulary, or just curious about words, this guide will help you discover many useful Spanish words that start with “E.”
Table of Contents
Why Learn Spanish Words That Start with E?
Learning words that start with a specific letter can help you improve your vocabulary and pronunciation. The letter “E” is common in Spanish, and many everyday words, verbs, and adjectives begin with it. Learning more Spanish words that start with E can help you:
Improve your conversation skills – Knowing more words makes speaking easier.
Enhance your reading and writing – Recognizing words in books and articles improves comprehension.
Boost your Spanish spelling and pronunciation – Some words in Spanish have similar sounds, so learning their meanings and pronunciations is helpful.
Common Spanish Words That Start with E
Below are different categories of Spanish words that start with “E,” including nouns, verbs, adjectives, and more.
Spanish Nouns (Sustantivos) that Start with E
Nouns are the building blocks of language—they help us name everything around us, from the elefante (elephant) at the zoo to the escuela (school) where we learn. The letter “E” is packed with powerful and essential Spanish nouns that pop up in everyday conversations. Whether you’re talking about energía (energy), chasing éxito (success), or avoiding an enemigo (enemy), these words will add depth to your Spanish vocabulary. Here are some must-know Spanish words that start with E:
- El elefante – The elephant
- La escuela – The school
- El espejo – The mirror
- El ejemplo – The example
- La emoción – The emotion
- El equipo – The team
- La energía – The energy
- La estrella – The star
- El escritor – The writer
- El edificio – The building
- El éxito – The success
- La edad – The age
- El estudio – The study
- El ejército – The army
- El enemigo – The enemy
- La esquina – The corner
Spanish Verbs (Verbos) that Start with E
Verbs are the engines of language—they bring sentences to life by describing actions, states, or occurrences. Whether you’re estudiando (studying) for a big test, esperando (waiting) for a friend, or encendiendo (turning on) the lights, verbs that start with “E” are essential in everyday Spanish. Mastering these verbs will help you express yourself more clearly and naturally.
Estudiar – To study
Escuchar – To listen
Esperar – To wait / To hope
Enseñar – To teach
Escribir – To write
Entrar – To enter
Elegir – To choose
Empezar – To start
Explicar – To explain
Encender – To turn on / To light
Enamorarse – To fall in love
Exigir – To demand
Esconder – To hide
Evadir – To evade
Emitir – To emit
Spanish Adjectives (Adjetivos) that Start with E
Adjectives are like the seasoning in a sentence—they add flavor, detail, and personality. Whether you’re describing someone as encantador (charming), a performance as espléndido (splendid), or a situation as extraño (strange), adjectives that start with “E” can make your Spanish more vivid and expressive. Master these Spanish words that start with e, and you’ll be able to paint clearer pictures with your descriptions!
Encantador – Charming
Eficiente – Efficient
Egoísta – Selfish
Elegante – Elegant
Enorme – Huge
Estupendo – Wonderful
Especial – Special
Educado – Polite
Entretenido – Entertaining
Esencial – Essential
Extraño – Strange
Espléndido – Splendid
Estrictamente – Strictly
Expresivo – Expressive
Equilibrado – Balanced
Useful Phrases with “E” Words
Let’s take it a step further than just Spanish words that start with e. Here are some common Spanish phrases that also use words that start with “E”:
Estoy emocionado/a. – I am excited.
Este edificio es muy alto. – This building is very tall.
Ella estudia en la escuela primaria. – She studies in elementary school.
Es importante escuchar a los demás. – It is important to listen to others.
Encendí la luz porque estaba oscuro. – I turned on the light because it was dark.
Él es un experto en su campo. – He is an expert in his field.
Esa estrella brilla intensamente. – That star shines brightly.
Eres muy especial para mí. – You are very special to me.
Spanish Idioms with “E” Words
Idioms make conversations sound way more natural, expressive, and just fun. Spanish is full of colorful idioms, and a lot of them start with the letter “E.” Whether you’re echando una mano (lending a hand) or estando entre la espada y la pared (stuck between a rock and a hard place), these expressions will help you sound more like a native speaker.
Check out these idioms that start with e in Spanish.
Echar leña al fuego – To add fuel to the fire (make a situation worse)
Estar en las nubes – To be in the clouds (daydreaming)
Estar entre la espada y la pared – To be between a rock and a hard place
Echar una mano – To lend a hand (help someone)
Estar hecho polvo – To be exhausted
Spanish Words That End with E
Just like words that start with “E,” Spanish also has many words that end with “E.” These words are interesting because they often don’t follow the common Spanish pattern of nouns ending in “o” or “a.”
Common Nouns That End with “E”
Not all Spanish nouns follow the familiar pattern of ending in -o for masculine and -a for feminine. Some, like those ending in -e, break the mold, making them unique and interesting to learn. These words pop up in everyday conversations, whether you’re talking about el bosque (the forest) during a nature walk, enjoying el postre (the dessert) after dinner, or hopping on el tren (the train) for a trip. Learning these nouns will not only expand your vocabulary but also help you recognize patterns in Spanish grammar.
Here are some common Spanish nouns that end with -e, along with their definite articles:
- El solvente – The solvent
- El valle – The valley
- El bosque – The forest
- El paquete – The package
- El postre – The dessert
- El nombre – The name
- El coche – The car
- El bebé – The baby
- El pie – The foot
- La clase – The class
- El lente – The lens
- El tren – The train
- El tigre – The tiger
- El respirante – The breather
While most of these words are masculine, notice that la clase is an exception! Spanish has plenty of irregularities, so always pay attention to articles when learning new words. Try using these in sentences to reinforce your understanding!
Adjectives That End with E
In Spanish, most adjectives change depending on whether the noun they describe is masculine or feminine. However, many adjectives that end in -e are gender-neutral, meaning they stay the same regardless of whether they describe un niño (a boy) or una niña (a girl). This makes them super useful for beginners and advanced learners alike!
Want to describe someone as amable (kind), a situation as terrible (terrible), or a person as valiente (brave)? These adjectives will help you add color and emotion to your Spanish conversations.
Here are some common and unique Spanish adjectives that end with -e:
Amable – Kind
Triste – Sad
Fuerte – Strong
Débil – Weak
Dulce – Sweet
Valiente – Brave
Elegante – Elegant
Interesante – Interesting
Pobre – Poor
Excelente – Excellent
Flexible – Flexible
Terrible – Terrible
Dive Deeper into Spanish Letters
How to Type Spanish Letters and Accents
Accents and Special Characters in Spanish
Learning Spanish words that start with E is a great way to expand your vocabulary and improve your language skills. Whether you’re focusing on nouns, verbs, adjectives, or phrases, these words can help you communicate more effectively in Spanish.
Do you have any favorite Spanish words that start with E? Share it in the comments below! And if you’re looking for more Spanish learning resources, be sure to explore Spanish Nerd for more lessons, vocabulary guides, and learning tips
More Spanish Learning Resources
- Tener Conjugations – Learn how to conjugate the irregular verb tener, one of the most popular Spanish verbs!
- Ser Conjugation Guide – Learn how to conjugate ser, the other Spanish verb for “to be,” and when to use it vs. estar.
- Estar Conjugation Guide – Speaking of estar, this guide covers every tense so you can express locations, emotions, and states without a confusing textbook.
- Hacer Conjugation Guide – Need to say “to do” or “to make” in Spanish? Our hacer conjugation chart breaks it all down for you.
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- A Complete Guide to The Spanish Alphabet
- The Spanish N (With an Accent) How to Type and Pronounce Ñ!
- The Spanish J | Names, Verbs, and More
- The Spanish C Pronunciation and More
- The Spanish P | Animals Words and Tongue Twisters
- The Spanish D | Ultimate Guide to D in Spanish
- The Spanish G | Pronouncing the Letter G in Spanish

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